Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What Do I Do Now???

Ok I don't want to sound like I am complaining at all because I love being home with Grant, BUT I need a hobby or something. In case some of you don't know I am a teacher so I am out for the summer and am sooooo excited to spend it with my 4 month old. Last summer I remember feeling like I wasn't being productive and thought that this summer having a baby that would all change, but I was wrong. For example this is what I do on a normal day...

8:00-8:45 Go for a walk
8:45-10:00 Play and feed Grant
10:00-12:00 Grant sleeps (and sometimes so do I)/clean house
12:00-2:00 Play and feed Grant
2:00-4:00 Grant sleeps/Bible study or clean more or call friends or write on blog
4:00-6:00 Play and feed Grant

And then Beau is home and I love the evenings spending it with all 3 of us! That is my favorite part of the day!:)

So please don't get me wrong and think that I don't like being at home being a mom and cleaning the house, because I really do enjoy it. I just would like some ideas of something I could do maybe once or twice a week. I was talking to Mere about this and we thought about trying to figure out some service projects that we could do that we could take our kids with us, because I definitely want Grant to be with me in whatever I decide to do. And if I could think of a good service project I would be teaching him the importance of being a servant.

So with all of this that I have rambled on about, which I hope makes sense, does anybody have any good ideas??


Miranda said...

I don't have any suggestions, but I just have to say "Yea!! You have a blog!" Grant is absolutely precious. I am so excited for all 3 of you! Keep posting...you are great at it!

mitzi said...

I LOVE the blog! I am so excited that I can stalk you guys now and know what's going on with you. I CANNOT wait to get 'da boys' together in July! We are sooo excited...love you!

heatherw said...

Maybe Mom and Tot swimlessons? Maybe he's to little for that. Hmmm...Meals on Wheels is a good one but it would be hard lugging him out of the car at every house, the little old ladies would sure love him though!