I love the Texas Longhorns!! Today is the Red River Shootout, and I don't know about you, but I am pumped!! Hook 'em Horns!! #9...
If you haven't tried this you should. Put everything possible in your mouth!!! It is so fun to feel the textures, and see how close you can come to choking all the different objects in your house!
My best friend Addison! She tells the BEST stories!!
I like to reach for the unreachable. I feel it is never too early to set goals for yourself!! Watch out Michael Phelps, I'm coming for 9!
I love to smile and scrunch my face at the same time. I find that it makes others around me start making funny faces, and then I laugh at them. It is a fun game!!
I just discovered how to pull the vents out of the floor. I could sit and do this ALL day!!
I love to clean ears!! I feel that it is not done enough, or maybe just not done properly, so I feel it is my job to try to finish what someone had tried to do first.
I love to help unload the dishwasher even when it is full of dirty dishes! My favorite rack to unload is of course the top rack. I simply stand on the door of the dishwasher, which daddy keeps worrying that I am going to break while mommy just laughs and thinks its funny:)
The cool thing about this trick is that I am so sneaky and fast that no one even realizes I am up there until after the fact:)
I LOVE to give kisses to the ones I love most, my mommy and daddy!!!
Well there you have it my top 10 at 8 months! I'm growing fast so I am sure it will change soon! I love you all and miss you! Can't wait to see you at the end of this month Doodaa and Pops!!!!:)
Joni- Grant is so big!!! And so cute!!!
Do you love being a mommy? I am so happy for you! Your family looks very happy!
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