This past weekend my friends Tammy, Dione, and I took a MUCH needed getaway to Kansas City. We stayed with my awesome sister Monica, and had a blast!! Here are a few pics from Christmas in the city...
We left Monica's at 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning, and arrived back at her house at exactly 10:00 p.m. We would have stayed out later, but the restaurants were beginning to close! Normal people would have been worried about the stores closing, but not us, we went for the food:)
3rd stop, Abuelos at Zona Rosa
(Yes people, all in the same day, hence the same clothing!!)
We left early Sunday morning and brought back my precious niece Emma. Her and Tammy complained the ENTIRE trip home about being cold:)
Anyway, that was my weekend. I know you are all surprised not to see pics of Grant but don't worry they are coming soon with more videos. He is walking everywhere now!!!!!!