Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Monica

Today is my sister Monica's birthday
Of her I am so proud
I am going to list reasons why I love her
Not just today, but year 'round.

Number One is easy
If you know her, you know it is not a lie
She has the purest heart in the world
One that is true and sincere inside

Number Two her dancing ability
If you have never experienced it, you're missing out
Her best choreography is to "I Will Survive"
But she also does a mean "Twist and Shout"

Number Three is the way she laughs
And she loves to laugh till she cries
Her nose flares like bat wings
And her pants do not always stay dry

Number Four is she is a great listener
Always there when I need an ear
I love our talks on phone or in person
Every conversation I hold so dear

Number Five she is an amazing wife and mother
Just like her I strive to be
She is an awesome Godly woman
And she is also really pretty:)

About my sister Monica
There are many more things I would love to take time to say
But the main thing I want to say right now is
I hope she has a wonderful BIRTHDAY!!

Monica always writes amazing poems. I write interesting ones:) I love you Monica and hope you had a great day today. I will see you in less then two weeks now. YIPPEE!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Proof of Grant Crawling!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Dude Looks Like a Lady!!

There really are no words to describe this picture, or to explain how he is going to react when he realizes I put it out there for all the world to see!! The lady that ran the Relay for Life in our town goes to our church and asked a few of the men to be in a beauty pageant to help raise money. So this was for a good cause. After I finished getting Beau beautified, all he could say was "I thought this was going to be funny, but it is not funny at all!" They ended up raising about $1000.00!!

Now here are just some fun pics for the grandparents. In the second pic poor Grant looks like he is 90 with his pants pulled up to his nose. Sorry Grant!

I will post more later. Love you all...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Grant... Crawling...What??

That's right! My amazing 4 month old is starting to put one hand in front of the other!! I did get some great footage, but can't seem to figure out how to get it on here. Rewatching the video it doesn't look that impressive, but trust me it is:)! I know he is not racing around the house, but he is still beginning to crawl!! I had talked to my doctor at his 4 month check up about him pushing up on all fours and rocking back and forth. I was really wanting him to tell me how advanced and wonderful my child was due to such great parenting skills, but he didn't! He actually said that it is really not such a great thing. Why you ask? He said because while most babies his age are still laying around drooling on themselves, he will soon be crawling. Let me translate to what I think he meant by that...

"You are about to loose 15 pounds and look great because while most moms are relaxing and drinking their tea by the pool, you are going to be busy chasing him around from now until he's grown!"

So all of that to say I HAVE a video to prove all of this, but I can't figure out how to get it on here. I know it is probably so easy, but it is not working for me. So I will just post some pics of Grant crawling and some with him in his cute cowboy hat that Doodaa and Pops got for him!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What Do I Do Now???

Ok I don't want to sound like I am complaining at all because I love being home with Grant, BUT I need a hobby or something. In case some of you don't know I am a teacher so I am out for the summer and am sooooo excited to spend it with my 4 month old. Last summer I remember feeling like I wasn't being productive and thought that this summer having a baby that would all change, but I was wrong. For example this is what I do on a normal day...

8:00-8:45 Go for a walk
8:45-10:00 Play and feed Grant
10:00-12:00 Grant sleeps (and sometimes so do I)/clean house
12:00-2:00 Play and feed Grant
2:00-4:00 Grant sleeps/Bible study or clean more or call friends or write on blog
4:00-6:00 Play and feed Grant

And then Beau is home and I love the evenings spending it with all 3 of us! That is my favorite part of the day!:)

So please don't get me wrong and think that I don't like being at home being a mom and cleaning the house, because I really do enjoy it. I just would like some ideas of something I could do maybe once or twice a week. I was talking to Mere about this and we thought about trying to figure out some service projects that we could do that we could take our kids with us, because I definitely want Grant to be with me in whatever I decide to do. And if I could think of a good service project I would be teaching him the importance of being a servant.

So with all of this that I have rambled on about, which I hope makes sense, does anybody have any good ideas??

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Definition of a True Friend...Mere Ware

I know you all read Mere's blog b/c that is how you got to mine, so you will remember her posting about real friendships and awkard ones. This is my post on how I define a true friend...

Someone you can hang out with for a week, and never

get tired of. You never get bored with just sitting around

talking and laughing. You always find things to do like set

the timer on your camera and take tons of photos of yourselves.

You don't mind sitting out on the deck drinking coffee together

while your kids are in "center time".

You don't get upset when they

wake you up at 12:30 a.m. in their sleep to tell you that there

are bugs in the bed and then about 5 minutes into it realize

they were just dreaming, then lay there for about 20 minutes laughing

harder then I think we have ever laughed.

A true friend also knows how to make fun of their children together.

But the ultimate definition of a true friend is someone who will risk their life, and their child's life, on a death trap of a plane to come visit you!!! Love ya Mere!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

G-dog and B

We just dropped off Mere and Blake at the airport. Grant was so sad he cried all the way home! He is so in love with Blake! Here are a few pics to to show the new best friends.

We had the best time with Mere and Blake this week, and wish we could see them everyday!! Now who of you are coming to visit us next???

Thursday, June 12, 2008

about dang time

All my friends told me it is "about dang time" I start a blog so here it is, you are welcome! They all think that since I live in a foreign land, or just a state other then Texas, this would be a great way to let everyone know what and how I am doing. Also Shauna was tired of all the email pics of Grant so she set this up for me, and Meredith is sitting here making sure I complete this post.

I am a wife, a new mom, and a 2nd grade teacher!! I am very busy, but love my life! I have the most wonderful friends, even though they are a little pushy at times! I am excited about starting this blog, but I am even more excited about showing off the new addition to our family... Grant!!