First off I have to say "Happy Anniversary" to my brother Todd and his wife Julie. You guys are the coolest, and might I say very photogenic:) I know, I know, I know that Thanksgiving was forever ago and Christmas is practically tomorrow, but I just wanted to show off my awesome family! Here is the whole gang. I am the youngest of four. That's right I am the baby, and if you know me, you know I play that role to the fullest:)
Here are the names starting back row first...
Beau, Grant, Todd (brother), Julie, Trent (brother), Mindy, Brad, Kado, Monica (sister), me, Stephen, Hope, Sarah, Emma, and mom. One afternoon while everyone was still here mom took the older grandkids to a 3-d movie, and here Grant is sporty those glasses...
Trent and Mindy are expecting a baby in April, so that makes 8 kids on my side. On Thanksgiving Day we were saying that the really cool thing is that we all are not finished having kids, so it is quite possible we could have 8 more!!! Anyway God is so good, and I am so very thankful for my awesome family!! Love you all:)
So, seriously... I have to find out that Trent & Mindy are having a baby by reading your blog?!?! I'm so happy for them!
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