Wednesday, June 3, 2009

No Title...Sorry

Hanging out on the deck, our favorite place in the spring time:)

Ok back in 1999 I began babysitting for a precious family, the Blairs. They had two little girls, Chandler (which Beau refers to as 2nd grader or Chanandler) who was then in Kindergarten, and Caitlin who was in the 3rd grade. I quit babysitting for them in 2003.
Now fast forward to 2009 and these are the same girls, Chandler 16 and Caitlin 19!!! I know that not everyone will be blown away like I am, but time really does fly by!!! Obviously they are both beautiful, but they seriously are just as beautiful on the inside!! I love them so much and am so proud of who they have become!!

They, along with their parents Greg and Jan, came to our house on Saturday and stayed through Monday. After they left, Beau and I talked about how they are not just friends to us, but family. We love you Blair family so much and are so thankful God placed you in our lives!!!!!!

Now some random videos that I thought were cute...
Pure Talent: Whistling, running, and a little break dancing!

It's never too early to train your children to help out with things around the house, including walking the dog...

Who needs a playhouse??


Trent and Mindy said...

Grant is so much fun! I love seeing him on video. He is at such a cool age...learning to talk, learning some rockin moves and doing housework...pretty awesome!

Kim said...

I LOVE Grant's toy box! So cute! And I ofcourse love the picture of you and your sweet baby boy at the top. I still wish we lived closer!!!!!