Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy 10 Months

Yesterday Grant turned 10 months!! I really did take this pics yesterday, but my internet was down and so I didn't get to post them on time:(
Time seems to be flying by. Here is a top 10 list of things that he is doing now that he is a mature 10 months:)
1. says Bible, momma, dada (but he calls Beau, Beau!!), bye bye
2. can moo like a cow
3. walking everywhere
4. screams (not because he is crying, just to make a high pitch sound), gets in trouble for it, and then looks at you and screams again. His favorite time to make this sound is during communion at church. Never fails!!
5. loves to eat turkey, chocolate, green beans
6. loves to jump in his bed
7. has two teeth
8. has his first ear infection with high fever
9. loves to pull up on other little kids and knock them down
10. BEWARE of this one... loves to play in the toilet if parents are stupid enough to leave door open and lid up:)
I love and like Grant more and more everyday! I am so blessed to have him as my son! He not only is a great kid, but I think he is a cool kid and I love every moment with him. Happy 10 months ba, I love you:)


heatherw said...

Bowen was a toilet player too, ga-ross!