Ok before I begin catching you up on everything, let's take a moment to look at a blurry picture of Grant...
Please tell me who or what you think he looks like in this picture!! I promise, at least I think, it won't hurt my feelings. I want to hear what you have to say before I let you know what I think. Anyway moving on...

WELCOME KADO!!!! This is my new nephew Kado!! Brad was out of town last weekend so Monica and the kids came to stay, and I FINALLY got to meet him!! We had so much fun with him. He LOVED Lionel and rode him everywhere!!

While Monica and I took care of the boys, Beau took care of the girls:)

Guess who else got to meet Kado...The Smith's!!! They were randomly driving through our town on their way to their vacation destination and stopped by for a couple hours. Then we met back up with them for supper one evening. It was sooooo great to see them and catch up. They have such an awesome family. Mary Alice and Major are really cool kids. We really enjoyed seeing them and hope we don't go as long between visits from now on!!

Grant went to his first football game!! At first he was a little nervous with all the loud noise, but he had a great time, and looked precious:)!

I love getting packages in the mail!!! This week we got Grant's luggage and we love it. You can't really see the color very well, but suprise, suprise it is burnt orange, which leads me to our next package in the mail...

UT windsuit!! How cute is this!! Thatcher sent this to Grant and he loves it! Beau is so excited for him to wear it on Saturday!

Well that's about everything! I hope you all have a great rest of the week and weekend!! Love ya:)
Such a cute kid!!! And relly cute luggage, too! ;) Where'd you get it?
Hey friend! I miss you so much! Grant is getting so big! And Kado is so sweet!!! I am so excited for Monica and Brad. I love you and maybe we can talk soon.
UT? Burnt orange luggage? Where is the purple and white???
We really enjoyed spending time with you last week. I'm glad it worked out that we were able to see you guys. (We especially enjoyed meeting Grant. He is precious!!!)
Grant is TOO cute!!! I love that picture you put up, drool and all!
Welcome Kado!! I'm glad all went well and he is finally here! Grant is just the sweetest thing! I'm so glad he enjoyed the UT gear from Thatch!!
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